Freestyle Skatestore Official Blog! So I was posting on SHREDWALES.COM alot but I felt I was missing out doing my own thing, I hope to post as regularly as possible as the FREESTYLEKATESTORE.COM team riders are vast and incredibly active in the skateboarding calender, but I will also be posting up all the stoopid things that go along with skateboarding, as I once read on a beer coozie, "Sometimes skateboarding means not skateboarding."

Check out my sweet cameo!


Leave The House from Tim on Vimeo.

Tim is on it, churning out gems like this. I love his documentary style, it is far more interesting than trick, trick, trick. Keep on sending that shit my way duder.


Lt Meat said...

Nice cramieo!!! But where's acting hands?

kieran said...

haha thats me snapping my board

ash tate said...

in this vid slightly

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