Freestyle Skatestore Official Blog! So I was posting on SHREDWALES.COM alot but I felt I was missing out doing my own thing, I hope to post as regularly as possible as the FREESTYLEKATESTORE.COM team riders are vast and incredibly active in the skateboarding calender, but I will also be posting up all the stoopid things that go along with skateboarding, as I once read on a beer coozie, "Sometimes skateboarding means not skateboarding."

Be afraid, be very afraid.

My old mate Pirate Chris was in today and he took a bunch of F.S.T.L team riders and locals to get a few tricks for his up and coming video (yet to be named). His last two vids were awse and I am looking forward to this next one.

We also filmed a short advert for the shop to be the start of the F.S.T.L section.

The pic is us both showing off our awesome Toy Machine Tat's ha ha!

Photo 11


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